Sunday 20 October 2024

India on 6m and the "September Gap"

I know fine well that at the end of the summer there is a drop off in 6m propagation. At one time I thought that was it until next spring. Now I know differently.

Coinciding roughly with the arrival of FT8, it dawned on me that good 6m propagation goes on for most of the year, with lulls at certain times. Not just lulls, but weeks or virtual silence. However, what used to be called "Christmas Es" now appears to me to be long lasting enough for me to call it "Winter Es". 

There certainly is a gap in February and March, which is the gap between Winter Es and Summer Es. And as the year moves from equinoxes to solstices and back, it should comes as no surprise that the spring gap is mirrored by an autumn gap, between Summer Es and Winter Es again. Not that Es are the only propagation options available here, but for me Es often links into the more obscure ways of working long distance.

I tend to call the autumn gap the "September Gap". This is not a good name. Autumn Gap does not seem quite right either as it does not last for a season but rather it lasts for several weeks or so. Long enough this year for me to be busy on 12m and handle a nice tropo opening on the higher VHF/UHF bands.

This year between 14 September and 4 October I worked one station on 50MHz. That was not for the want of trying. For most of that time I was looking at a blank waterfall. Even the one station worked, UT7UA on 17 September, came out of the blue and that did not lead to any reasonable opening. Just one station and then silence. Not that early September was much better, with two days of activity and only one small opening with seven stations worked in two weeks, none of these being great "DX" (nice as they were).

I am not sure how to represent weeks of nothing during the September Gap. I did think of a map with no contacts on it, and then thought better of it.

Anyway, what would show that the September Gap was over better than some nice DX in October?

50MHz contacts at GM4FVM 1 to 20 October 2024

Best DX was FR4OO on 15 October which certainly suggested that the 2024 Gap seemed to have passed. 10,098km is a good haul, though not a new country for me. On 20 October I worked VU3WEW for a new country, India, on 6m. 8,147km is pretty good, and a new square plus a new sub-continent as well. That is country 114 on 6m, and it was good to get a quick confirmation on LoTW to be sure.

I think this means that I can indeed conclude that we have crossed the September Gap. We are also into that time of year when the ionospheric conditions on both sides of the magnetic equator become (more or less) equal and TEP starts to appear. There has been lots of TEP to see on the cluster. At my latitude I need some Es to assist me there, and the passing of the September Gap has provided this too.

With us at the peak of this solar cycle (or so it is said) we might expect lots of TEP on VHF generally. Whether we get 6m F-layer propagation too remains to be seen. I hope so.

It is very hard to predict propagation into the future. I cannot say for sure if we are entering a good patch.

I just would like a break from what has been a pretty poor late summer in terms of DX. So far so good.

73 Jim


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