Monday 25 March 2024

Q65 on aurora, plus the arrival of the Es season.

Not long after Jeremy, M0XVF posted here that he had used Q65 effectively on aurora than up popped another aurora.

Stereo Ahead spacecraft image of CME on 23 March 2024.

A coronal mass ejection early on 23 March reached Earth later on 24 March. Although the speed of the arrival suggested a strong effect, the field quickly turned northwards and had smaller radio outcome than had been predicted.

At GM4FVM this was an early opportunity to see how Q65 might work on 50MHz during an aurora. At first I could hear OH6KTL and then even stronger DK8NE. This was once I had worked out that people were using Q65-30C submode. I worked G3YDY on 50.305, but OH6KTL was on 50.265. I decided to look for a clear frequency to call CQ, and I found 50.268. Eventually five other stations arrived on 50.268.

This map shows the QSOs I had on 6m Q65. All of them were auroral with no tone.

Contacts on 50MHz Q65 at GM4FVM, 24 March 2025.
I saw on KST someone calling those people anticipating a huge event "aurora maniacs". In the event the predictions of the "aurora maniacs" proved to be too optimistic. Auroras are notoriously hard to predict. Even if the identification of the material streaming from the Sun prove to be right, the polarity can swing to the north as it did during this event. Still, it quickly changed from being a widespread event into being a "Scottish aurora". More limited, but fine in my book.
The term "Scottish aurora" comes from the excellent book "Radio Auroras" by Charlie Newton G2FKZ. The type of thing he describes means a limited aurora opening with contacts possible with at least one station being in Scotland. Of course, radio does not observe boundaries and stations in the North of England and Ireland at one end are also often involved. However, Charlie's the term has stuck.

I might have hoped for more, but a Scottish aurora will do for me. Six contacts with the best DX being EI2IP at 579km. Another EI station was worked by several other stations but I could not hear it at all - which just shows how localised auroral propagation can be. I heard nothing on any mode on 70 or 144MHz.
Anyway, whatever you call it, this was an interesting event for me. I had also thought it might have been a bigger event than it was. However it still allowed me to prove to myself that Q65 could be a big help to me. I have always struggled to hear either SSB or CW during auroras. I am not sure why that should be, but being able to use a data mode would be a great advantage to me.

When I found that people were using 30C submode I followed suit. I guess that somebody knows that the other submodes do not work so well. It is a pity that we cannot use either B or A submode as those would allow us to fit several QSOs into one 3kHz filter's width. I am not complaining - if we can organise ourselves around a central point (I guess 50.275) then that would be fine.

Will Q65 work under more difficult conditions with more distortion? Will it work on 144MHz, or even the highly distorted events on 432MHz? Who knows, but let us find out.

Next, my first contact of the Es season also seems to have happened on 24 March 2024.
Contact via Sporadic E at GM4FVM, 24 March 2024

24 March is actually quite late this year. I have been looking into the length of the Es season from this location and I may write more about this on this blog. But anyway, it usually starts with a single QSO like this. Often there are a few short openings until around the end of April it really gets going. We shall see if this year is an average year.

So many of my contacts on 50, 70 and 144MHz depend on Es propagation. This is not only Es directly, but also through linking to TEP and the like. It is always good to get the first contact out of the way. That map my not look like a big deal, but 1620km to OH7XM on FT8 was a really good QSO for me.
Each one of the contacts mentioned on this page was much appreciated by me. It may not be 14MHz where you turn on at any time and work somebody. There are the days when nothing happens at GM4FVM. Yesterday lots of things happened. Keep up the good work lads!


Tuesday 19 March 2024

Why all the fuss about Q65 on VHF and above?

First, there is no fuss about Q65. There should be.

Time for a question and answer session.

What is Q65? It is a data protocol in the WSJT-X suit, amongst others like FT8, MSK144 and JT65.

What does it do best? It allows radio amateurs to communicate in difficult situations by exploiting scatter and coping well with Doppler effects.

What is it designed for? According to the WSJ-X users guide "Q65 is designed for fast-fading signals: tropospheric scatter, rain scatter, ionospheric scatter, trans-equatorial propagation (TEP), EME, and the like."

Which bands is it best for? According to the WSJT-X website -  "it is highly recommended for EME, ionospheric scatter, and other weak signal work on VHF, UHF, and microwave bands." I find that it can be helpful by bringing iono-scatter into play for 50 and 70MHz, using aircraft scatter on 144 and 432MHz, and various assistive scatter modes on 1296MHz (and probably higher).

Are amateurs using it? In general, no. The EME community are using it above 432MHz, but most EME on 2m is still using the outdated JT65. For other purposes such as scatter or other weak signal work you hardly ever hear it.

Have you seen the benefits? Yes. Switching to Q65 on 1296MHz during a tropo contact brings a huge benefit. However, this works for me simply because stations on 1296 are often in contact via email or KST. This allows me to ask to switch mode. On tropo on other bands I am not in contact with other stations so much.

How does it work? The WSJT-X model allows you to choose the most suitable submode for data rate and period length. So if you use Q65 submode B with a 30 second period you would call that Q65-30B.

How difficult is it to use? On WSJT-X you simply click the button Q65. Then you select the period and the submode. It does not seem to difficult to me.

Which submode should you use? That is up to you and you QSO partner. Perhaps 30A for 50MHz where you have time to exploit iono- or tropo-scatter, perhaps 15B for higher bands where you want to capitalise on short aircraft scatter events. I used 30C to complete a QSO with DJ8MS on 1296MHz on 12 January 2024. That was after trying FT8 and failing so we went for the most sensitive combination we could.

Anything else to look for? Just like other scatter modes, it is as well to turn up FTol. The default is 20. You can turn it up to as much as your computer can take - max is 1000. Once you have made contact with the other station you can turn it down again if you wish to narrow the receiver pass band. 20 is fine if you are on exactly the same frequency, but on the higher bands this is not always the case.

What is the problem with using it? I dunno.

Why are people sticking to FT8 and JT65 on VHF? I dunno that either. 

Can you show a QSO where Q65 worked? Yes, for example this 432MHz QSO between GM4FVM and G0MJI. A 265km path over the Pennines which would not have been possible without some assistance from aircraft scatter. If you look at the traces you can see steep Doppler inclination. This contact simply would not have been possible using FT8 due to Doppler shift which disrupts FT8. It was easy on Q65-15B. From what I recall, Bri was running 35W.

Q65 QSO between GM4FVM and G0MJI on 29 January 2024

Q65 is a powerful aid for VHF, UHF and microwave amateurs. VHF QSOs are being missed needlessly. We are not learning how scatter modes can help us. We are not dealing effectively with fading. This is us scoring an own goal.

I have remarked before about a long lived trend in amateur radio to stick with the old ways. If that worked we would still be using spark to transmit plus cats whiskers and coherers to receive. If progress is to mean anything we need to be ready to try new ideas.

Q65 has been around for some years now. Joe Taylor and his band of helpers have created something very useful in Q65. And yet many VHF DX-ers hardly use it.

Anyone who wants to try Q65 on a marginal path between 50MHz and 1296MHz can feel free to contact me.



Monday 4 March 2024

Scientific explanations for how Sporadic E happens, and how amateur literature differs (long).

I have not been posting much lately. [What have you been doing Jim?] Well, at this time of year there is not much on the radio so I have been watching Ski Sunday. Isn't  Clément Noël amazing? Why is the Ski Sunday season so much shorter than the ski season?

And now Paris-Nice and the start of the cycling season. Very distracting. Remco Evenepoel, Cian Uijtdebroeks, and all those people.

I just wrote a VERY long piece quoting all the research papers about Sporadic E which I have also been reading. I have been reading research papers because most amateur books and websites say things about Es which are either just plain wrong or full of imaginings about thunderstorms, jet streams, upwards pointing plasma bursts and other fanciful tales.

Mike GM3PPE sent me a good scientific paper and then I turned up another one which together seem to explain the process. Further reading amongst amateur tales made me turn up a third one. So now, rather than using all that material in detail, I will try to set out what I understand. What I understood before was wrong. I can see that now.

I learn that the ionised layer does appear to come from material ionised during entry into the Earth's atmosphere. The E-layer ions last for a remarkably long time before recombining, thanks to being organised by the magnetic field and due their mass being greater than gaseous ions in other layers. The daily pattern of daytime Es during the Summer is driven by solar influenced wind shear. The Es layers descend towards the Earth on a twice-daily air current. There is a wealth of new information in these papers, plus some useful maps.

Here is one of my diagrams. It is an attempt to precis what comes later in the boring text.

Probable Sporadic Es process. Definitely not to scale. (GM4FVM after Arras)

This is a diagram you will need to click on to enlarge, if you want to see the detail. It covers a slice across the ionosphere between about 150km and 80km above ground. The magnetic field would run vertically into the page from above.

What follows replaces the VERY LONG piece with a LONG piece. Sorry, but it isn't easy to summarise.

I will put in the details of the papers at the end. Anything I have taken up wrongly in this piece is my fault.

For this purpose I will try to explain a timeline through the process.

Firstly the iron which will make up the metallic component of the E-layer arrives in the Earth's atmosphere. This is material from meteorites and similar bodies. Most comes from other parts of our solar system but a small amount may come from cosmic dust.

We amateurs are familiar with some of this stuff through meteor scatter propagation. However, many amateurs concentrate their activity on certain meteor showers during the year. These showers allow 5 or 6 days activity per annum. This tends to deflect attention from the fact that the majority of this material arrives at all other times, 365 days per year, 24 hours per day. These are the "random" meteors which hardly souls like GM4FVM and OZ1JXY used to make over 130 contacts entirely outside the meteor shower season.

There have been suggestions that if meteors are involved then the Es season should be influenced by the meteor shower timetable. This only affects Es to a limited extent. The showers produce only a short lived peak in the material arriving and anyway the peak period for arrival of meteors does not coincide with the shower season. Meteor showers are just the short but energetic ones we see and the vast majority are much smaller. In fact these small meteors, called micrometeors, are about the size of a grain of sand. 

Estimates vary but but overall about 25 million objects arrive on Earth each year weighing in total about 15,000,000 kg. The larger of these break up in to small grains. Amounts vary during the year, with a minimum in February and a maximum during Autumn. The amount and energy levels of the arriving particles varies during the day due to the orientation of the observer to the plane of the ecliptic as the Earth circles around the Sun. Amateurs can exploit these variations in meteor scatter propagation but none of it aligns with Es peaks.

These meteors arrive travelling at huge speeds relative to Earth. As they get closer the atmosphere becomes dense enough for friction and chemical action cause them to be heated to huge temperatures. Some are ionised. The ones we are interested in are made up of, or contain, metallic elements - principally iron. In addition to iron, some meteors contain smaller amounts of magnesium, sodium and calcium which also may become ionised. The density of the atmosphere is about right at around 100 to 150km above the Earth for meteors to be heated to the required temperatures. This region thus become a relatively dense layer of ions and we call it the E-layer.

We now have the iron ions (Fe+) and electrons in the right area. What you would expect from something as heavy as a metal is that it would fall to Earth. Even these tiny specks of matter will descend under gravity, though perhaps slowly as the density of the atmosphere increases. 

You would also expect that they would recombine with electrons to convert from Fe+ to Fe. We are familiar with the gaseous ions in the D- and F-layers recombining once the influence of the Sun is deminished at night or during the winter. However, in the E-layer they remain as ions and electrons for long periods. The Earth's magnetic field will exert an influence and tend to organise the two sets of + and - charges along the magnetic field lines. The Fe+ ions are a lot heavier than the gaseous plasma ions in the D- and F-layers and are therefore less likely to wizz around and find electrons. The combination of these processes give enough time for this mass of ioinised matter to come under further influences. The papers reckon it takes between 27 hours and 3 days for the Fe+ ions to recombine.

One of the surprising things to me about this is that the papers suggest that this ionisation takes place by the process of micrometeors arriving on Earth and not from the Sun's energy as in the other layers. I say suggest, as they do not mention solar energy at all as part of the ionisation process. I was wedded to the idea that ionisation in all three layers would be caused by the energy from the Sun. This would explain why Es occurs during the day and mostly during the summer. But apparently not. It matters little though, because the Sun still has a major effect as we shall see shortly. I cling to the idea that the Sun may play a part in keeping the energy level high enough for this story to continue.

The ionised material descends in a particular pattern. What is called "diurnal tides" result in a twice a day air current bringing the layer downwards at a specific rate. Amateurs report a twice a day peak in Es, presumably as the layer passes through the right region for propagation. Other patterns are superimposed on this, including daily- and trice-daily tides, so the picture is not simple.

Next thing in the story is "wind shear". As I understand it, wind shear is a type of turbulence created when a mass of air meets a more or less static object. As a callow youth I looked out the window of my lofty office in Dundonald House, a strangely curved multi-story edifice, and saw the snow falling upwards past the window. Everywhere else it did what you would expect, but here right beside the building it rose and swirled in eddys as if trying to polish the window glass. Not that the air is as dense in the E-layer as it was inside or outside the DHSS office in which I toiled.

The theory here is that the wind shear effect, when present, helps to shape and compress the metallic ion layer into a thin (about 1.3km thick) shaped mass of relatively dense molecules, atoms and electrons. Key to all this is that the wind shear effect is driven by the Sun - which makes Es a largely daytime and summer event. Crucial to it all is that at certain regions the mass of ions becomes sandwiched between eastwards (below) and westwards (above) winds. Although similar conditions occur in both hemispheres, the wind directions in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed in relation to the Northern Hemisphere.

So, many variables are coming into this. Although the quantity and mass of meteors is large it will vary to some extent, the ions are descending and will need to pass through the height we need them to be, they need to stay ionised long enough to create the layer, the diurnal tides need to draw them to the right place and the wind shear needs to be in the right aspect (the papers suggest generally eastwards winds in the Northern Hemisphere, and with an upwards component) to create the layer we need, and reversed winds above. It is surprising it happens at all.

None of this explains the effect we amateurs know as "Winter Es". This is not mentioned in any of the papers I have seen. It may be caused by one of the alternative Es mechanism which create other minor effects. Or it could be explained by the "spillover" theory. Possibly it could just be an aspect of the effect, mentioned in the papers, that Es tends to trail the annual seasonal cycle to some degree. Whatever the explanation, I think that it is important to keep in mind that I find Winter Es is responsible for about 1% of my activity and none of my DX whereas regular Es accounts for the other 99% of the activity and all of the interesting contacts.Winter Es is an odd quirk, but also a very small quirk.

How does the research method used differ from the methods we as amateur use?

The method used in the scientific papers was GPS Radio Occultation (GPS RO or just RO). This involves observing scintillations in GPS radio signals passing through the Es cloud. GPS satellites orbit at about 20200km. For this purpose the GPS signals are not received directly on Earth but are detected by low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites which orbit at about 2000km above Earth.

Both transmitting (GPS) and receiving (LEO) satellites are outside the E-layer and are, in effect, watching the E-layer from "above" in relation to ground level. Actually they are on either side of the E-layer. As they travel at different speeds to maintain different orbits there are regular windows of about 5 minutes when the GPS signal can be scanned for the presence of an ionised E-layer between them. Any phase changes or multipath interference can be attributed to the E-layers This is not simple though, as other variables in other layers have to be eliminated from the results. However this appears to have been possible.

By using the RO method the researchers are able to observe the Sporadic E layers themselves. We as radio amateurs are only able to observe the results of Es in our log book. Beyond that we can use sites like DX Maps and PSK Reporter (PSKr) to look for patterns and interesting events.

PSKr works by receiving reports from amateurs over the internet and presenting them as lines on maps and other formats. It therefore shows only contacts made, not paths available. It mainly shows data contacts and rarely records beacon reception. Whilst some amateurs can click the box on their software to pass reports on to PSKr, not all do. Many amateurs use directional antennas which limit the possible paths. The results are therefore partial.

DX Maps and similar sites collect data from the DX Cluster and present it in the form of maps and various tables. This information is limited to anything reported to the Cluster, though it includes more reports of CW and SSB contacts plus selected reception reports. DX Cluster has a very helpful map showing the locator squares in which Es layers must be located plus the MUF at that point. This uses a mid point between the path between the reported two stations. This is useful but it a rough estimate, it is historic and it relies on reports - it does not plot the layers themselves.

I use both PSKr and DX Maps extensively. They help me chase DX, but they do not give any clue as to how the E-layer is made up, nor any predictions about how or when the propagation might appear next.

In my view the methods used by amateurs tends to give a distorted view of Es, as of course we rely on other stations being around to receive our transmissions - and for example there are not many in Africa and vanishingly few in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The Es map in DXMaps then estimates that the refraction happens mid-way between the stations and shows this as one locator square. This is very helpful but not really scientific.

How does the scientific literature differ from what we read in amateur literature?

The scientific view is that the presence of Fe+ ions and wind shear are the crucial factors in forming a dense thin layer which makes Sporadic E propagation possible. Solar driven winds in the E-layer and the effects of the Earth's magnetic field are also crucial.

Reputable amateur publications give details of the scientific data but steer clear of going further.

Other amateurs have often taken the results from DX Maps, PSKr and other sites and laid them onto weather maps. From this they have come up with the idea that somehow weather systems close to ground play a part in Es formation. As there seems to be no direct relationship between our weather and conditions 100km or so up in the atmosphere they often postulate all sorts of mechanisms without any scientific basis. They then publish this on the Internet as is their right, just as I am doing now. Sometimes their ideas appear in books, society publications and magazines.

The amateur approach creates huge variables because of the indirect and variable nature of the data collection. This is in addition to their often cranky ideas about the influence of Earth weather on the upper atmosphere.

Many amateurs have looked for "triggers" for Es. Unlike the scientists they cannot see the E-layer except where it creates reported propagation for amateurs. I doubt very much if there is a "trigger" involved. The ham literature I have read says that the authors are looking for something they think needs to cause the ionisation in some direction or at a certain time. The scientific papers say that tons of ionised particles arrive every day without any other input and variables in the ionsphere explain the variability. If ionisation is already present, why look for a trigger?

One particular internet piece written by an amateur seems to go right off the path beaten by the scientists. He claims that tools like DX Maps and PSKr give amateurs a reliable way of spotting and tracking Es formation. In my view they only provide a method of tracking the contacts. He reckons that storms and lightning from Earth weather trigger Es. Having looked at the scientific evidence I feel that he is mistaken. All that DX Maps and PSK reporter do is to record some of the outcome of Es filtered through a skewed fabric of random influences.

PSKr often shows just single receptions due to transient effects which are not Es related. DX Maps also shows contacts after they have happened, and only the ones reported to the DX cluster. They cannot show paths which are not reported for all sorts of reasons. They never show potential paths which have not been exploited nor ones that don't exist. Only scientific approaches which, like the ones summarised here, can actually image the existence or not of Sporadic E layers and their location. This is the best way to try to find an explanation for what is happening. This research can show the process involved in creating the propagation in real time as scanned by the satellites.

When well meaning amateurs take charts from PSK Reporter or DX Maps and use them to try to plot Es activity it is almost inevitable that they are using unreliable data. When they go further and try to align this with weather, storm or lightning maps, they are likely to find doubtful patterns. If they go further again and try to predict future Es based on already unreliable information then the outcome is likely to be pretty wide of the mark.


Right. Where have we got after all this waffle? There is plenty of scientific evidence as to what causes Es. We as amateurs can use the excellent tools available to us (including PSKr and DXMaps) to exploit this and have lots of interesting fun. By understanding the process by which Es is formed we can develop our learning. As for trying to out-think the professionals - you can try but you might be wasting your time. 

A basic human freedom is that everybody is authorised to waste their time as they think fit. Even me.


These are the working links as I write this. Contact me if they do not work and I will try to help if I can.

1) A Global Survey of Sporadic E Layers based on GPS Radio Occultations by CHAMP, GRACE
and FORMOSAT–3 / COSMIC. Christina Arras. 2010 GroForschungsZentrum Helmholtz-Zentrum Postdam. Scientific Technical Report STR10/09

You can download the entire paper by clicking "full text".

This is a very full (~100 pages) paper, one of the first using the RO method. There is some very good information on how RO works.

2) Examining the Wind Shear Theory of Sporadic E With ICON/MIGHTI Winds and COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data. Y. Yamazaki. 2011 Geophysical Research Letters Vol 49 Issue 1.

 As the wind shear theory was not well proven at this stage this paper concentrated on that matter. These are some interesting maps and diagrams.

3) Morphology of sporadic E layer retrieved from COSMIC GPS radio occultation measurements: Wind
shear theory examination. Y H Chu et al. 2014 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. Research Article 10.1001/2013JA019437. › c9a0 › 3c2ab977b9507b019e661904c5a4ebdf6fa2.pdf

A further verification of the wind shear theory. This paper includes many more E-layer maps and diagrams which will be of interest to the amateur.