Wednesday 18 July 2018

DX Maps

DX Maps has got new mapping ...

DXMaps showing 6m on 18 July 2018 with East Asia stations reaching Europe

The new style is clearer to my eyes - though I have some colour blindness(!)

Gabriel has explained here  ...

... that recent price rises by GoogleMaps have forced him to relocate to another map provider. He makes the point that many users do not realise that bulk users have to pay for GoogleMaps (I never thought about that myself). Clearly the cost of running DX Maps runs to thousands of Euros per year, and we can offset this by looking at the advertising, plus paying optional membership fees and donations.

I have sent Gabriel an additional donation as he has had to pay for more server space and he has had to re-write lots of code. I do not think this is really a money issue. This man spends hours of his own time doing this for us, and I appreciate that. I would be lost without DX Maps.

The only down side with the change is that we have lost satellite view. Yes, I liked peering into back gardens and seeing antennas. That was just satisfying the voyeur side of my personality, and it doesn't really matter.

Well, the scale bar has also moved from the bottom right corner to the top left corner. That will take me ages to get over, but it hardly matters either. What does matter is that we still have DX Maps.

If you have not seen DX Maps, the link is on the side bar of this site.

Thanks Gabriel.

PSK Reporter now uses similar mapping now too. Some of the place names and country titles in PSK Reporter have moved into local versions - I must improve my grasp of Cyrillic characters and Arabic script. The maps are fine though.



Tuesday 10 July 2018

The two people who discovered radio

David, GM4JJJ, recently introduced me to this podcast "Great Leap Years" by the polymath and boulevardier Stephen Fry

In it, Mr Fry outlines the development of science and technology from the dawn of tools to the modern day. You have to sit through rather a lot of it (6 episodes, 50 minutes each), and there is just one person talking all the time. However, I found it very interesting.

You can find it "by searching for Great Leap Years wherever you get your podcasts" (as they say).

It is similar but has a wider scope than the BBC "In Our Time" science thread. These progammes go into more detail about particular subjects which might interest a radio amateur, like the Sun, the development of Radio, Plasma, Radiation, Conductors and semi-conductors, the Electron etc. And at least in "In Our Time" there are four people talking.

However, there seems to be a gap between all these programmes. The earliest idea of radio seems to fall between them. So here comes how I understand it - I am sure I have got some of this wrong but I will try.

This posting seems to flow from what Adam Rutherford said this week in another podcast I follow - the BBC Inside Science programme - he said that diverse science is good science.

The two key people in this story could hardly be more diverse. They did not fit easily into society. One was the son of a labourer who had little education as a result of his poor upbringing. Yet this man, Michael Faraday, made the crucial experiments that paved the way for those who came after him. While had a had a limited education he was no slouch as a thinker - he came up with his field theory which reshaped our idea of physics right down to today's quantum theory. The other was a rather impractical awkward genius, a man who spent his entire life in academic study. He was born into a world where he could afford to go to university when few others could. This second key person was James Clerk Maxwell, whose equations explained radio before we knew what radio was.

Or course neither of these men knew what radio was, nor what it could be used for. However, they fathomed out that there must be radio. This is an outstanding achievement. Faraday found the key by proving to himself that light was a form of electromagnetic energy, and Maxwell picked the idea up and drew the remarkable conclusion that between the low frequency fields in motors, transformers, etc., and light, there must be an entire spectrum of electomagnetic waves. Maxwell produced a mathematical proof that light was an electromagentic phenomenon, and he established the rules by which this radio energy would propagate. Not bad for two people who only had the idea of something which might be radio in their heads. They had no proof, but yet they were right. 

Scientists fit into a flow of progress. They do not work in isolation. They "stand on the shoulders of giants", and can take what was proved before as read. In this case the person who went before was the Danish academic Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851). Oersted had recognised the relationship between electricity and magnetism in 1820. This opened the door for further experimentation into what use this relationship might be (apart from moving compass needles).

Enter the field at this stage Michael Faraday (1791-1867). Faraday was born in London. His father  was a blacksmith who had moved from the North of England to seek employment. Michael had a poor upbringing and he was apprenticed to a bookbinder. He became a very skilled craftsman and found a job as assistant to Sir Humphry Davy, an eminent scientist of the time. This was very much a master-servant relationship, as Faraday's lowly background was likely to mark him out for a limited career. Instead he became a more distinguished scientist than Davy.

While Faraday prospered under Davy and eventually achieved eminent status himself, he remained an experimenter. His was practical science. He was not much into theory and it could be argued that his "field theory" was in fact a layman's way of explaining what he was finding. Anyway, it was perhaps the first "non-Newtonian" approach to physics and it certainly makes a lot of sense to me. At the time he was seen as being rather "left-field".
Michael Faraday giving the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture in 1856 - Wikimedia Commons
Nevertheless, Faraday's gift for experimentation was prodigious and he is mainly remembered for developing the understanding of electromagnetic induction. "Faraday's law of Induction" is still with us, and we have him to thank for the development of electric motors, transformers and inductors.

He never quite shook off his non-academic background, despite accepting an honorary university degree. His experiments made many developments possible and he continued to make apparatus and search for the links between various phenomena.

Eventually in 1845 he hit on the one experiment which opened the door to radio. He was placing crystals inside a strong electrically generated magnetic field. He tried various type of glass before trying a piece of glass with a high lead content which he has cast for an earlier experiment.

He noted that when light was shone through the glass the polarisation of the light changed when the voltage (and hence the strength of the magnetic field) was varied. Indeed, if he varied the field strength the polarisation varied in proportion to the change in field strength.

This is an interesting result but maybe not dramatic if you did not have Faraday's natural understanding of physics. He was certain that this result was produced because light is a form of electromagnetic energy (and he was right). This was quite a leap. You can see what he was getting at, as this effect must be due to an interaction between the light and the changing field it was passing through. He knew that the field is electromagnetic, so he deduced that the light must be too.

While the result of Faraday's experiment was just a finding, the conclusion he drew was dramatic. He had his field theory so he was sure that this proved that light is another form of electromagnetic energy, just like the energy he had been using with motors and transformers. It was a huge leap of faith but he immediately staked his career and reputation on it. Remember, this was a man who was largely self-taught. He could have exposed himself to ridicule if he had been proved wrong.

Sometimes I wonder at how Faraday was so certain he was right. I know he was right, but then I know that his field theory is now accepted as "the way things work". Back then he was seen as rather cranky for stepping beyond Newton's theory of objects bumping into each other. He was known for transforming voltage using transformers in his electromagnetic fields, and suddenly he has placed light in the same world. It must have been a brave thing to do.

Now James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879) enters the stage. Maxwell's story could hardly be more different to Faraday's. Born into a well-to-do Scottish family Maxwell had a good formal education. Not for him an apprenticeship, he attended university and was a gifted mathematician. What he lacked was Faraday's practical skills. This is where the two great men built on each other's strengths.

Maxwell looked at all of Faraday's work and trawled it through his mathematician's filter. Eventually out of this Maxwell formulated twenty equations in 1861 and 1862 which basically define the electromagnetic world. He had come up with a unified theory of electricity, magnetism and light.

Why did this matter? Well, Faraday had found the particular - that polarisation of light can be affected by electromagnetic (EM) fields in the specific case of his experiment. Maxwell generalised the idea into a set of principles that can be applied all the way from DC right up to gamma rays, with the then undiscovered radio spectrum in between.
James Clerk Maxwell at Cambridge University in the 1850s - Wikimedia Commons
Today we know four Maxwell equations, because Oliver Heaviside (it's that man again) later generalised and simplified (!) them further. I am not going to explain them as I do not have the mathematical skill to do it. But the result was immediately apparent even in the original form. If these equations were all true then the property we know as electromagnetic energy will exist in a continuous spectrum of wavelengths and with frequencies from fractionally above DC to infinity.

One way of proving that the equations were true was to find the speed of these phenomena. The equations predict that they travel at the speed of light. And, luckily, light does travel at the speed of light, and so did the low frequency waves they already knew about. Once we had found radio, guess what, it travels at the speed of light too.  Maxwell predicted that these were all the same phenomenon (and he was right about that).

If we had discovered radio before we measured the speed of light, maybe we would say that light travels as the speed of radio.

In Faraday's time they knew about low frequency EM fields which were used in motors and transformers. And then he concluded that light was also an EM phenomenon. Maxwell reasoned that there must be every frequency in between. Neither of them had any idea what radio might be, but together they worked out that it must be all around them. Up to that time, nobody had tried to detect any of this radiation. Nobody knew it was there.

Faraday and Maxwell met and corresponded. Faraday once said that he had a perfect idea about his theories until Maxwell came and did all his mathematics on them, and now he didn't understand them at all. Maxwell said that without Faraday's experiment with the polarisation of light he would never have grasped the point at issue. I think that neither of them could have functioned without the other.

Then, as always, science moved on. It fell to the German Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894) to prove that frequencies between light and AC existed as EM waves of different wavelengths. He successfully created and detected radio waves. They were then called "Hertzian Waves". Thus in a sense Hertz "discovered" radio in 1886, but in reality he was seeking to establish what Maxwell had already proved - that radio must exist. It seems to be a pity to me that it was not Faraday who did the necessary experiments, but they were done in university laboratories after his death.

Finally, despite my contention that these two discovered radio, it was "invented" by others. Faraday and Maxwell may have proved it was there but they were silent about what use it might have. Hertz who did actually find it saw no practical application at all. So it had been discovered, but Marconi and others "invented" a use for it. And we are where we are now.

Fifteen years ago I visited Parton Kirk in Galloway where Maxwell is buried. He has a simple memorial, for like Faraday, he was not given to airs and graces. I stood and thought by his grave stone for quite a while. It is strangely fitting that these two great thinkers who took great leaps of faith in their science should be modest individuals. They stuck by their principles, whether they were scientific or ethical. They were awkward characters, and neither fitted into society easily. Yet they had the ideas, and stuck to their beliefs.

I think it was because these men were so different that they made such remarkable progress.

It took a different, more outgoing, personality to push radio into the public's consciousness. Marconi was more of a showman, more of an applier of science than a theoretician (though he did plenty of experiments). He "borrowed" ideas from far and wide. In any team you need people with many different skills.

I think that there is room in our hobby for all sorts. These two scientists were fundamentally just a good self-taught mechanic and an academic thinker. We still have these types amongst us - the practical circuit builders and the theoretical egg-heads. The hobby needs them and all the rest if we are to progress.

Frankly, I cannot see the point of many aspects of our hobby. Then again, who am I to judge others? It takes all sorts. Difference is good. Otherwise, we wouldn't have had radio in the first place. Maybe nobody would have looked for it if we had not had these two odd-balls.




Sunday 1 July 2018

Good openings on Es and tropo

The peak Es season has been accompanied by nice weather at GM4FVM-on-sea. The weather is significant as it has been caused by a high pressure system over the North Sea, producing tropo conditions between here and what the British call "The Continent" (meaning mainland Europe).

As I reported on 6m recently, just a little about that band. There have some more blisteringly good Es openings. I have made a list of countries I have not worked this year. These DXCC should not be difficult to reach and I have concentrated on them first. They are all in the Balkans or Eastern Mediterranean - I am targeting my distant cousins as I have "The Levant" in my heritage. The far end of the Med might be in my blood and my DNA, but I have been ignoring it as an area to work this year.

Making a list transformed my coverage. Simple targeting netted Libya, Cyprus, Turkey, and several Balkan states such as Montenegro and Macedonia. It turned out that although I had worked Turkey before, all the rest were all-time new countries too. It is funny how the mind plays tricks on you as to where you have worked and where you haven't.

Anyway, all this has got my 2018 6m DXCC list up to 57. There are still 6 states on my little list as obvious targets, never mind the less likely ones. I might yet get into the 60s, but I doubt if I will challenge The Great and The Good in the 80s and higher.

Without some target to shoot at I was languishing in the doldrums.

4m has been a spectacularly great band, something it does often but not regularly.
Contacts on the 70MHz (4 metre) band at GM4FVM in June 2018
Nearly all of these contacts have been on FT8 mode.

Not bad for a band many amateurs choose to ignore because of its reputation for there not being much activity.

When it comes to 2m, the tropo openings at the beginning and end of June have been main drivers. While 6m waxed and waned, being silent for two days, 2m served up the usual tropo opening diet of North Sea Coast contacts.
Contacts on the 144MHz (2 metre) band at GM4FVM in June 2018
I had already mentioned the early June activity and the Es into Croatia and Bosnia before in this blog. The late June tropo added to the picture.

Just to see the effect of the tropo activity, on 23 June I made 5 QSOs, on 26 June I made 64.

And now for something completely different.

Although I think of myself as a VHF operator, I do run 10m as an indicator of VHF conditions. I am genuinely interested in 28MHz activity in its own right, but also for the light it sheds on VHF. It is the next neighbour down the hill. I don't pay much heed to the neighbour up the hill, 432MHz - the "70cms band". Maybe I should. ("The hill" I have in mind here looks like the same hill as the one in the 1973 Ridley Scott "Boy on Bike" Hovis bread commercial).

A certain amateur from "the Continent" has been goading me to get going on 70cms. Another has been telling me about the joys of using UHF in general. All this began to wear down my resistance.

In one of my rambling outpourings about my imagined antenna dilemmas, I said to David, GM4JJJ that I had not decided whether to add an extra element onto my 2m yagi for EME, or put up a 70cms antenna instead. In passing David mentioned that in the past he had used his 2m antenna on 70cms. So, I thought, why not try the same thing during the current good conditions ... ???
To say that I was surprised to work LA9NKA on 70cms would be an understatement. I had just turned over to 70cms and set the WSJT-X to 432.174 to see what I might hear while I was out for a walk. When I immediately had to reply to a CQ I had to be a bit careful not to blow up the 2m ancillaries. I turned off the 2m linear amplifier as otherwise it would not have liked the 70cms signal. I also turned off the 2m masthead pre-amp. Turning them off allows a (low powered) signal to pass through. It works in the short term but over time I would inevitably forget to turn them off someday.

I was using a 7 element 2m beam of the DK7ZB design. It has a balun which I suspect will not help much on 70cms. It turned out that LA9NKA was using a 5/8th vertical. Using such "non-DX" antennas just shows how good conditions much have been on 70cms.

I only tried this because I could. If I had the normal 2m transverter set-up I would have had to change over lots of plugs to do it, but as I had the IC-7100 connected up for 2m it was fairly easy to change over. Just why the IC-7100 was in use was the result of a complex tale of incompetence by me, but never mind that now.

To work one new DXCC at UHF was interesting, to work two was startling ...
To be fair, I think that OZ1JMN was using a proper antenna. But still not a bad QSO.

So my 70cms DXCC goes from two (G and GM) to four (G, GM, LA and OZ). I am astounded.

I am now thinking more about the possibility of a 70cms antenna.

This needs to be taken with a bit of caution. I am not deluding myself that there is a lot of activity to be heard on 70cms from IO85 square. They used to say the same thing about 70MHz but it never put me off that.

There might only a few days when anybody at all can be heard on 70cms from here. The same is true of 2m Es, but it is brilliant when it happens.

I have always known how good 432MHz can be during tropo openings, and occasionally at other times. Now I have proof.

Of course I shall always be only a VHF enthusiast. Except when I am doing something else.
