Monday, 16 December 2024

A good tropo opening to the East

The Hepburn Tropo map (link on the sidebar) suggested that 10 December might be pretty good for tropo...

Hepburn Tropo Index 10 December 2024

As usual, click to enlarge images if necessary.

10 December was indeed a good day for the higher bands here, and conditions were still a bit enhanced until early afternoon on 11 December. I saw good conditions after that, but mostly for stations further south than me. From here there was nothing much to report later on as the high pressure slipped off to the east.

I had the first contact which indicated things were looking up on 9 December when I worked LA9AKA at +07dB. Once things began to get going the next morning I had 64 more QSOs on 144, 432 and 1296MHz.

On 144MHz I had 20 contacts, best DX being to UA1WCF in KO55 a distance of 2034km. This turned out to be the first time I have worked UA on tropo. Previous contacts on meteor scatter and moon bounce might have been greater distance, but I do find it satisfying to work long distance on tropospheric propagation. The contact with YL2LE was also my first into Latvia on tropo. I increased my total square figure by three squares.

144MHz contacts at GM4FVM 10 to 11 December 2024

As usual these days I tend to leave 2m behind and head for 70cm during a "lift" in conditions. I had 40 contacts on 432MHz, including to three new countries - Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Best DX was to LY2WR in KO24 at 1726km. These are not quite distance records for me on this band, but they do show that I have never done so well due east from here. My best distances are to the south. That makes this a good opening for me, adding eight new squares too.
432MHz contacts at GM4FVM 10 to 11 December 2024

1296MHz was also productive, especially at the start of the lift. Despite only making four contacts, I was happy to reach two new squares in Sweden. Best DX was to SM0DJW in JO88 at 1242km. I reckon that I could have done more on 23cm if I had tried more modes and if I had done more listening. The big limitation on 23cm for me is the lack of activity that I can find. I stayed on the KST microwave site for the duration but most contacts do not seem to be made that way. More work is needed if I am to make 23cm as productive as it can be.
1296MHz contacts at GM4FVM 10 to 11 December 2024

That was a good opening in a direction where I had previously had fairly poor results. Another missing area is south east into the Alps and central Europe. I hope that someone is listening up there and can organise one in that direction next.

73 Jim


Thursday, 5 December 2024

The "New Normal?" Not for long I think.

Looking at the three days 2 to 4 December 2024 I had contacts with six stations on 6m. But what contacts! 

Best DX was VK6TM (OG65, 13871km) who I found calling CQ with no takers, so I called him. I have worked him before and I usually do not call again so soon as it takes up a space for someone who needs to reach him. However, as he was calling CQ and not getting any response, why not? After all, 13871km is a long way for VHF.

4S7KKG (MJ98 8671km) was in the same category. Although I had worked him a month ago he was not getting any replies when I heard him this time.

Also in there were:-

9V1XX (OJ11, 10870km) - New square and new DXCC on any band (Singapore)

A65BR (LL75, 5654km) - New square. I already had the DXCC (UAE)

A41NH (LL93, 6076km) - New square and new DXCC on 50MHz (Oman)

VU4A (NK61, 9234km) - New square and new DXCC on any band (Andaman & Nicobar Islands)

Now, the idea of working Singapore, Oman and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands would have been laughable to me last month, never mind during the last sunspot maximum. During the last sunspot maximum I saw some more Es but nothing like this.

Of course the last sunspot cycle was pretty weak, but even then using a mini-beam on 10m I was not working anything decent towards the Pacific, Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean. Although I had 6m at that time I was not even trying for DX outside Europe ... there wasn't any that I could hear.

50MHz contacts at GM4FVM 2 to 4 December 2024

This 6m bonanza is not to decry the 12 contacts I had during the RSGB UKAC 2m FT8 contest during this period. Nor the nice QSO today with GM0HBK on 70cm. Those were all pretty good, but 300 - 600km is not a patch on 6,000km. Or 12,000km. Or more? There is something about world-wide DX that is hard to resist.

Hey, it won't last. While I suspect that developments like FT8 and greater understanding of TEP and Es will keep 6m alive during the next solar minimum, 50MHz conditions like this unlike to last beyond the maximum. 

When is the maximum of this cycle? Have we passed it? Who knows.

Enjoy these conditions while you can.

73 Jim