Wednesday 18 July 2018

DX Maps

DX Maps has got new mapping ...

DXMaps showing 6m on 18 July 2018 with East Asia stations reaching Europe

The new style is clearer to my eyes - though I have some colour blindness(!)

Gabriel has explained here  ...

... that recent price rises by GoogleMaps have forced him to relocate to another map provider. He makes the point that many users do not realise that bulk users have to pay for GoogleMaps (I never thought about that myself). Clearly the cost of running DX Maps runs to thousands of Euros per year, and we can offset this by looking at the advertising, plus paying optional membership fees and donations.

I have sent Gabriel an additional donation as he has had to pay for more server space and he has had to re-write lots of code. I do not think this is really a money issue. This man spends hours of his own time doing this for us, and I appreciate that. I would be lost without DX Maps.

The only down side with the change is that we have lost satellite view. Yes, I liked peering into back gardens and seeing antennas. That was just satisfying the voyeur side of my personality, and it doesn't really matter.

Well, the scale bar has also moved from the bottom right corner to the top left corner. That will take me ages to get over, but it hardly matters either. What does matter is that we still have DX Maps.

If you have not seen DX Maps, the link is on the side bar of this site.

Thanks Gabriel.

PSK Reporter now uses similar mapping now too. Some of the place names and country titles in PSK Reporter have moved into local versions - I must improve my grasp of Cyrillic characters and Arabic script. The maps are fine though.



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