Friday 15 March 2019

David Anderson, GM4JJJ, SK

I was saddened to hear last night from David's wife Pat that he had passed away yesterday.

GM4FVM with David GM4JJJ in August 2018 - photo taken by Pat
I first worked David on 4 April 1977 when he was GM8HEY and I was GI4FVM. I guess that neither of us expected to still be in contact over 40 years later. Working David then was DX on 2m for me, later of course we ended up about 100km apart and spoke regularly.

David's interests over the years extended to VHF generally and Earth-Moon-Earth communication in particular. He wrote the "Moonsked" software still in use by many enthusiasts to this day. He worked for many years in the electronics industry and his thorough knowledge of practical circuits was offered freely to many amateurs who were having problems.

Our background interests were different, mine more into the physics of radio, David's more into the electronics, but that turned out to be a perfect mix. We found that we were both interested in the particular interests of the other. We shared lots of information, and neither of us suffered the same fools gladly (especially certain equipment suppliers). David also added useful information to this blog.

It was so helpful to have him to bounce ideas off and I miss him already. .

Despite having to deal with a long illness, David remained positive. He continued to offer me advice right up to the point where he found it better to rest than operate on the radio. I will always be grateful for his friendship.

To Pat and to David's family I send my condolences. I have lost a mentor as well as a friend.

73's David
