Monday 13 May 2024

10 May 2024 Aurora

 I was browsing about the news sites when I came across this on the RTÉ.ie pages:-

US authorities have issued the first Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch alert in almost 20 years as a powerful solar storm will hit Earth, with one enthusiast saying there's a "good chance" of seeing the Northern Lights in Ireland.

It is unusual for general news sites to carry anything which might be of any interest to radio amateurs or sky watchers. So this had to be something important. Further information could be found at VE3EN's Solarham had it not changed from to, which threw me off the track for a while - thanks to Mike GM3PPE for putting me right there. Anyway there were several big CMEs on the way towards Earth, and in a configuration which suggested that faster ones behind would merge with slower ones in front and produce a stronger effect here. And so it proved.

GM4PMK magnetometer on 10 May 2024

As usual click the image to enlarge if necessary.

I worked 22 stations during the aurora over the 24 hours after the first arrival of the particle stream. 21 were on 50MHz and one on 70MHz. All of them were on Q65 as I could not even attempt to use the microphone due to having the cold and 'flu. This activity covered 10 DXCC and 20 squares, with my best DX being to OE5OLL in JN68 at 1352km. I probably could have done more if I had been feeling better. I also spent some time between midnight and 02:00 local time out in the garden looking at the visual aurora.

50MHz auroral contacts at GM4FVM on 10 and 11 May 2024

All of these contacts were truly auroral with no tone audible, even the fairly close contact with Mike GM3PPE which is only 31km direct but a lot further via aurora. During the time I also had some very useful contacts with Dave, G0ODA on 432MHz and Gordon GM4OAS/M on 2m FM, but no aurora involved there! Having said that, there were reports of auroral contacts on 432MHz, so this was a very powerful event. I did not have 144MHz available at the time and it never even occurred to me to look at 70cm. Possibly a lifetime only chance missed there, but CW was beyond me at that stage.

One unusual feature was a fairly widespread Auroral Es opening across the Atlantic on 50MHz. I listened for about 30 minutes while others worked across the pond but nothing from there was heard here. I have often experienced Auroral Es during smaller openings, but I have never known of a trans Atlantic event.

The one Au contact I had on 70MHz was with G4BRK in IO91 (bringing the total square count to 21). This was my first Au contact on 4m using Q65. I was calling using the Q65-15C variant but Neil and I both noted how wide the signal was. Although many of us started out using Q65-15C during this event, most ended using 30C as it uses less bandwidth. I can see downsides to both approaches so some thought needs to be given as to which one we should use in future. Usually, decisions like this are made in amateur radio by somebody picking something and everybody following, whether that is right or wrong (like using 30 second periods for 2m MSK144 in Europe).

Anyway, this aurora brought a lot of activity much further South than we usually get, and it must have created new DX records for a lot of amateurs. It may well be a new Au DX record for me too. I must look it up.

I shall leave you with some photos I took of the visual aurora as seen from GM4FVM.

73 Jim


Friday 10 May 2024

Transatlantic on 6m, the "new normal" on 50MHz?

[Why do you keep writing about Sporadic E Jim?] 

Because there isn't anything else at present.

Not quite true, there have been several auroras. These events all have something in common - I missed them. I got back in on 2 May just in time to catch the last of a good aurora and on 50MHz I managed to work G8BCG in IO70, a distance of 623Km. This is a pretty good result on aurora for me as G8BCG is probably the furthest south I have worked on aurora in the UK. Sadly, I missed everything else in that event.

But it is true that I am not writing about big tropo openings on the higher bands because there have not been any. Maybe soon there will be. Other esoteric modes = zero.

So time to consider again the issue of transatlantic 6m propagation. This is not due to storms positioned 2000km apart across the ocean, as I have been reading recently. I shall stay away from further discussion of what the mechanism might be, other than a final guess.

Since my first transatlantic contact from here with VO1SO back on 18 June 2011, there have been 31 days when I have had 50MHz contacts across the North Atlantic. For this exercise I am excluding Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America - this is North Atlantic only. This was done in an attempt to screen out Trans Equatorial Propagation which is tricky to identify.

After that first contact I had to wait a week short of five years until the next one. Then there were two days in 2016, five days in 2017, six days in 2018, two days in 2019, five days in 2020, three days in 2021, none in 2022, and six in 2023. Plus one now in 2024.

There is one feature which applies to all 27 days of contacts across the North Atlantic up until the end of August 2023. All of the contacts in that period were during June, July or August. The earliest was 4 June and the latest was on 24 August. This shows the characteristic lag mentioned in the last posting for Es contacts in general, starting about 17 days before midsummer and ending 65 days after midsummer, making the lag about 7 weeks (see last posting). Not much data for this one so maybe that lag is a bit exaggerated.

What makes the last four contact dates unusual is that they fall way outside the usual pattern. The dates are 27 and 30 November 2023, 1 December 2023 and 1 May 2024. If I needed more evidence that the Es season is getting longer then here it is (if it is Es). Before this week my earliest QSO across the North Atlantic was 4 June. The latest one was 1 May. 

I only made two contacts that day, and I failed to confirm a third one (VE1SKY). There were several stations heard such as K1SIX, K7BV, K1KA, WW1L etc. The point here is that this was a substantial opening even if I only worked two stations.

50MHz contacts at GM4FVM on 1 May 2024.

So what propagation gives transatlantic 6m propagation on 1 May? Is that the same process as in November and December the previous year? When my previous contacts on this path have all been during the period from June to August, it makes me wonder.

Sporadic E which is vastly more sporadic than I have ever seen, or F-layer, or something else???

All the books say that Es is not influenced by the sunspot cycle, and I cannot really see how it could be. Surely not that.

73 Jim


Tuesday 23 April 2024

Chasing Meteor Scatter on FT8, a fruitless business.

My last posting (finalised yesterday) was about the length and peak of the Sporadic E season. You can read it here, though it is just below this one on the blog.

This time I am mentioning a factor which makes 50MHz and 70MHz contacts at this time of the year difficult to classify. 

Difficult to work too.

There are often a lot of single decodes cropping up on my software just now. Some of them do carry on weakly to a second decode and the odd one makes it to a full QSO. Then there are sudden decodes which appear to come from nowhere, sometimes linking into distant propagation modes like TEP which seem like strange mini-openings. But after one strong decode they are gone. What is this thing which is teasing me?

The clue lies with meteor scatter. As I write we are in a meteor shower. When I look at dxMaps I see similar decodes on 144MHz, often over pretty well the same paths, on the 2m band. There are two differences - 1) the 2m ones don't often link into anything because those dx propagation modes are rare on 2m, and 2) on 2m they are listed as meteor scatter rather than Sporadic E.

Ah, I have at last found a reason why I watch 5 or 6 bands simultaneously. To find things like this, of course.

The maps of 6m and 2m propagation look very similar, but on 6m there are postings showing Sporadic E on FT8, whereas on 2m there are decodes as meteor scatter on MSK144. Look at the listings and you see that the 6m ones are just single decodes but the 2m ones are meteor scatter QSOs.

Meteor scatter propagation happens in the E layer when signals are scattered from ion tails left by meteors. At 2m these are fleeting short pings, but the same event produces longer periods of propagation on 6m. Thus it is possible to have good strength contacts on 6m using MSK144 and these show up as meteor scatter contacts.

Ionisation caused by meteors is short lived on higher frequencies but the effects last longer as we use lower frequencies. This longer ionisation period on 50MHz persists and can allow what looks like "standard" Sporadic E because FT8 can decode signals during bursts (at least briefly). This slightly longer period for 6m can permit a decode which is little affected by Doppler shift. So it is possible to have a 6m decode using FT8, and that tends to be posted as Sporadic E. If it happens to last long enough, a QSO can result using modes which normally do not respond well to meteor scatter.

Of course, it is ionisation on the E layer, it is short lived, so it is Sporadic E. But as it is directly caused by meteors it follows the general principals of the meteor scatter mode. Thus is tends to happen principally at the same time as meteor showers. Yesterday was the peak of the Lyrids shower, and these short decodes peaked then with me. It tends to peak at about 06:00 local time and decline during the day, as did this effect yesterday. You can get meteors at any time, but during the morning meteor shower peaks I see this type of propagation peak too.

Sometimes, during an intense shower you can get enough direct ionisation to form a small area in the E layer and get some prolonged propagation, but this is not so common. In a weaker form it can occur at any time too, but mostly I only notice it during shower peaks.

I first found out about this through a posting by another amateur who goes meteor scatter hunting on 28MHz during every meteor shower. On 10m the effect is more long lived than on 6m, and he can have quite a lot of success. I wish I could find that posting again. Anyway, once I knew what to look for it was easy to see. Here are the two maps for yesterday, 22 April at around 08:00:-

dxMaps of 144MHz on 22 April 2024

dxMaps of 50MHz on 22 April 2024  

At this time of year, and during meteor showers generally, you can turn on PSKReporter or DXMaps and see lots of 50MHz decodes reported, while there are almost no QSOs possible (try selecting "Only DX-cluster" from the DXMaps options during one of these events to see the difference).

So what difference does it make that this form of Es is created directly but briefly during a shower, when "standard" Es is just the same ionisation which has been organised into a layer (for details of that complex process see here)? The immediate effect is that it is very difficult to have a QSO on FT8 like this directly after a meteor burst. FT8 is not designed to handle it. MSK144 is a far better mode for this purpose. Also, the station at the other end may not be expecting to deal with single decodes in the way that most meteor scatter operators do. MSK operators will have long watchdog periods and keep transmitting for ages. Plus the key difference is that the MSK144 algorithm is far more sensitive to the weak signals as the level of ionisation tails off during the period of the ping.

It is Sporadic E, Jim, but not as we know it (with thanks to Gene Roddenberry, Bones, and the crew of the Starship Enterprise for that misquote).

To make full use of this effect, I suggest you switch to MSK144 and work meteor scatter on 6m - if you can find anyone else with the same idea. Or go down to 28MHz where the ionisation hangs around long enough to have an FT8 QSO (possibly). However, it only lasts for a day or two around a meteor shower peak.

Me, I just sit and watch as operators chase individual decodes. It must be frustrating. It was for me until I worked out why this happened at the meteor shower peaks.



Sunday 21 April 2024

Trying to estimate the length of the Sporadic E (Es) season and calculate the "lag".

I have recently been criticising some others for taking a few bits of evidence related to amateur radio and then building that up into a theory of Sporadic E. In my view this does not have credibility.

I am about to do something similar so this needs some qualification. I have been looking through my log book. This is obviously limited by loads of factors, but it still might be worth a look. There are 13859 entries in there, not the five data points which one of the other theorists used. Not that I have made 13859 contacts since I arrived at this location in 2009. Oh no, there are more than that. I am not legally required to log all my contacts, and a lot of local ones were not logged. That was in the olden days when there were local stations to work.

None of the missed log entries should matter for this purpose, as I have been very careful to log all my Es contacts. However, this is an early warning that we need to be aware of the many possible areas of bias in the data.

OK, I looked at the Es contacts at GM4FVM on 50MHz from 2011 to 2023. I arbitrarily excluded contacts from early December through to February to exclude "Winter Es" or "Christmas Es" or whatever you want to call that. This first measure was for the length of the season between the first contact and the last, not counting how many contacts resulted in any day or week. This method does not identify the peak of the season in terms of contacts, nor log periods with specific openings such as mini-seasonal paths to Japan or links to TEP. However, every Es contact in the log counted for this purpose including those specific ones. The data was aggregated up from activity days into activity weeks to make the maths practical.

I expected that the "lag" means that Es started later in the year and ended later in the year than a strict correspondence to the Midsummer Day (by which I mean 21 June -ish). I had expected to find that the seasons tend to be roughly the same length each year, just all shifted towards the end of the year.

Sporadic E contacts at GM4FVM 2011 to 2023 (1)

As usual, click if you wish to see an enlarged version of the images.

First of all, you can see the lag. It is about 4 weeks in the first period rising to about 5.5 weeks later. Es starts later than the Spring Equinox and now ends after the Autumn Equinox. So the data (as far as it goes) backs up my initial hunch.

Secondly, and unexpectedly, the Es season appears to be getting longer. The data seemed to fall into three distinct periods. That averages fell very close in each year within each four year period, and then there was a sharp step up to the later period each time. There were three distinct periods standing out from the statistics.

I really doubt that the period of enhanced propagation really is getting longer. I reckon it just looks like that. This finding took me back into my log for some explanation of what is happening. During the 2011 to 2014 period I was mostly using SSB ("pre data period"). During 2015 to 2018 I was using mostly PSK, JT65 and some JT9. Although FT8 was appearing not many people were using it (so this was the "PSK+JT period"). During 2019 to 2023 FT8 was in full swing and lots of people were using it ("FT8 period").

I may be wrong here, but I think that what appears to be a longer season is largely down to me switching from SSB via PSK and JT into FT8. During the SSB period I had to search out stations as they were spread throughout the band. During the PSK+JT period it was either the same spread (PSK) or I was using modes with long periods (JT65) or few followers (JT9). The sensitivity would have been higher than with SSB, but those modes did not have wide acceptance. Then during the FT8 period lots of stations appeared on the same frequency and the mode was even more sensitive. This is my theory about this; just my idea.

Working stations on Es on 50MHz has become easier over those years. More people are doing it, and that also contributes to what looks like a longer season. I doubt if the propagation has changed even though it looks like it has. It is easier to work people now because while at the start of my time on 6m stations had to have transverters, and build their own antennas, these days they have ready made equipment. Data modes have become much easier to use, computers have become cheaper and faster. Also we no longer need lossy data interfaces but we can now pass digital audio in our radios via USB plugs. As it gets easier, more stations come on looking for DX, and the season appears to extend as marginal propagation gets exploited.

Now that I had the basic information that it is indeed shifted to later in the year, I started thinking about the "shape" of the season. It feels to me that once the main season starts, usually about 4 weeks after the first contact, it suddenly bursts forth and reaches a quick peak, and then subsides gradually until the end.

So how to find where the peak is? My data measured so far is just contacts spread over time. It does not show when the main burst of activity happens. I could only do this on 50MHz by going over every contact individually - which I might do some day but not right now. There are thousands of them. So what might measure the timing of the peak? It dawned on me that my 2m Es contacts usually only happen at the peak.

I make the usual pre-condition that these are just my own data, and sometimes I am away, not watching 2m, or something similar. I spent a lot of my early years here thinking that 2m Es was rarely possible from this far north. Would there be enough data? Well, just like on 6m, the spread of data modes has provided me with a lot more data than I thought I had - 31 data points. There are bound to be fewer as these probably represent the peak of the Es propagation each year.

I then calculated those days from first to last contact and put them on the same graph:-

Sporadic E contacts at GM4FVM 2011 to 2023 (2)

The 2m contacts were almost symmetrically spaced on either side of midsummer. Unlike the 6m contacts where the lag was at least 4 weeks, the lag at 2m was almost zero (less than 12 hours) and not statistically significant.

This suggests to me that my second hunch that the Es peak comes in a rush towards the start of the season is also right at this station. However, just as on 6m, my figures just show when the 2m contacts happened not how big the opening might be on that day. Such figures on the "bigness" of an opening can be very misleading, as openings to my west are never big because there is just the Atlantic Ocean in that direction. 2m Es openings almost never include multi-hop Es, or not from here anyway, and nor have I noted them linking to TEP (not YET!!!). So the subjective quality of an opening is not something that I have tried to measure. But still, if the 2m contacts do indeed represent the peak of Es propagation then the peak here does not appear to lag behind the midsummer like the rest of the season does.

Now I want to go further into speculation. What might the shape of the Es season look like if I could work out the "bigness" of openings? Well, here is the FVM conjecture. I suggest that it looks like a gamma graph something like this one:-

Gamma distribution.

With apologies to whoever drew this, I cannot give an attribution as I cannot find where it came from via the internet. Let me know if it is yours; meanwhile I will try to find a better one. I am using it as x along the bottom axis looks like months of the Es season, and f(x) could be the "FVM-Es-bigness scale" [now you are getting carried away Jim].

Anyway, if this is roughly the shape of the season it would fit with the pre-data mode earlier years simply sampling the top part of the graph, say above f(x) = 0.3, and then as we got more sensitive modes and more activity we are sampling further down the vertical axis and finding the tail on the right. Thus the lag seems to be getting later and the season longer, which is what I found. 

Warning: This is just one guy's log history. It is not very reliable. I could do more and better statistical analysis but that would expose the unreliability of using any amateur's data. So it is not scientific, and no ham survey ever will be. Despite this I think it does provide something to think about.

When I was at college there was a lot of enthusiasm for using "qualitative" data. That is not gold standard statistically but it does show trends. What I have tried to do here is show what I have found in a qualitative way. It is up to you whether you believe it or not. For me, however, it has "face validity". It seems to explain what I have been seeing over the years.

First thing I can see is that the lag on 6m pretty well rules out Es linking into TEP in the Spring from here, but would suggest that is more likely in the Autumn. A quick check suggests in my case that Es linking is at least 9 times more likely to happen in Autumn. Secondly, I had better not rely on the lag to look for 2m Es contacts later in the year, as they seem to be equally spaced around midsummer. I will miss them if I wait. And thirdly, whatever the reason, it is worth hanging on looking for 6m Es right into the tail of the season, certainly in October and even later.

This works for me, and I hope it sheds some light on the Es season in some way for others.

73 Jim


Friday 19 April 2024

Bernd Wilde, DL7APV, SK.

I learned via the EI7GL blog site (see link in sidebar) that Bernd, DL7APV, has become silent key.

Bernd was a fixture on 432MHz before he constructed his massive antenna in 2018, and after that he introduced many to the potential of the band. His behemoth array has 128 11 element antennas formed into a vast box with an overall gain of 33.7 dBd. Not only did I work him via Earth-Moon-Earth using this monster, I also worked him easily on tropo at a distance of over 1000km.

Bernd, DL7APV, now sadly SK, and his 70cm antenna

I will miss Bernd's gentle reminders about upcoming contests. He had a delightful way of expressing his wish for me to come on and give him a contact via moonbounce. He would send me an email and point out the date of the forthcoming event. He would then say that if it could be fun for me to have a contact with him, it would also be fun for him to have a contact with me during the contest. He did not say "come on and work me", but rather he correctly pointed out that I could if I would enjoy it. He was right: I did enjoy it.

Actually there was no need for a formal sked, I could hear him very clearly and reply to his CQ call. My antenna only has about 14 dBd gain, so he was doing all the work. No doubt he sent similar E mails to large group of operators who, like me, had enjoyed early EME success working Bernd on 70cm. 

I shall miss Bernd and I send his surviving family and friends my condolences.

Where will we ever find such an enthusiast again?

73 Jim 


Monday 1 April 2024

Amateurs - don't do as I say !!!

Amateurs - don't do as I say ... do what you want to do!

Please, I implore you - find your own way. Do not follow anyone's insistence, but learn from the many voices out there. Also, I encourage you to learn from what you do, and to progress in your own path.

And I know, that is me telling people what to do.

Irony, eh? Who needs it?

I recently posted an encouragement to VHF+ amateurs to try Q65, a splendidly efficient data mode devised by Joe Taylor and his merry tribe of creators. I did not say "give up your old modes". 

Here is a screenshot taken by Phil, EI9KP of our 2m QSO on Q65. Not bad at all - 479km on a flat band. We went on using Q65 successfully on 70cm. Eventually we tried 23cm, and although we did not complete a QSO there no doubt we will in due course. Q65 is good for contacts like this as it benefits from scatter enhancement such as that from aircraft. 

I think that it is best to use the best mode for the purpose, so for meteor scatter I use MSK144, for HF I would use FT8, and so on. Those were a great set of QSOs with EI9KP. You do not have to follow suit, but you can see how it can be done. As usual, click on the images to enlarge if you wish.

144MHz Q65-30B contact between EI9KP and GM4FVM on 25 March 2024 (Screenshot EI9KP)

Then I went on the 2m/70cm KST chat room [that is where you went wrong, Jim]. 

On KST someone asked for a meteor scatter contact and I explained that I can use MSK144. He then told me that I was wasting my time with MSK144 and I should install MSHV and use the JTMS mode instead. He said that there is "scientific evidence" from many hams to prove that JTMS was more efficient. 

What is the difference between me encouraging people to use Q65, and him telling me to install MSHV and use JTMS not MSK144. Is it just that I cannot take instruction, or learn from scientific evidence?

Well, I think not. I sincerely hope that everybody who reads this blog takes my ideas as representing what works for me. You can read about what I do, go away to your own blogs, and say the opposite. Or go to the local club and say that that old codger GM4FVM is talking nonsense. Sometimes I do talk nonsense. I can be wrong and I often am (source of ionisation for Es, for example). I can learn as I go along, and so can everybody else. I can even admit to being wrong.

Returning to the recent KST barney. I simply said that I use MSK144 on meteor scatter. This seemed to make things worse. After a blast in return I said that I respected his choice of mode and I hoped that he would respect mine. And then things calmed down a bit. I had some support from others on KST which I appreciate.

As for the scientific evidence, he did not say what he was talking about. Data modes for meteor scatter work on the principle that the meteor pings are short duration, thus the data rate is set so that the message fits into a very short timeframe. It is then repeated over and over again for 30 seconds in the hope that some of it will be transmitted at the same moment as a meteorite provides a tiny moment of propagation between the two stations. Different modes use different periods but from what I recall MSK144 repeats the message every 72 milliseconds. That would suggest that your message is repeated more than 415 times in your 30 second period, and almost all of those repeats is not detected by anyone.

The argument has been put that because the pings are of shorter duration at higher frequencies, then the time of repeat needs to be shorter too. That is a fair enough argument except that MSK is also up to about 8dB more sensitive than some other modes, and that affects the timing issue too. When you increase the sensitivity the pings are received for longer. This is because as the ping proceeds the amplitude declines, and with more sensitivity you can receive it further down the "tail" as it tails off. This means that the decode can lasts longer. Thus MSK does not need such a short timeframe. This is a benefit which some people use to argue against MSK, even though it is actually a benefit.

MSK144 is tailored for the 2m band and is probably over-engineered for 4m and 6m (so of course it works even better there). Maybe it would not be quite so good on higher frequency bands. The WSJT-X notes say it is designed for VHF bands so it would not be my choice for 70cm.

Anyway, I use MSK144 for another reason too. MSK144 has powerful error correction which other modes used for meteor scatter lack. I think that the reason why some people prefer other modes is because they produce less well corrected results which they interpret their own way. I do not criticise this, but I choose not to do it myself. I used older modes for years and I have had enough of looking at screens full of gibberish. Back then I quickly saw that I could interpret the results they produced in hundreds of different ways. To me that means anyone can interpret them in ways that suit them.

If you need some low-down on this you might find this from K5ND interesting:-

Before MSK, most modes used much weaker error correction, leaving operators to make sense of bits and pieces of decodes. The temptation to find evidence of success blinded quite a few to the fact that they were actually piecing together bits of decode provided by random noise.

70MHz FSK441 screen from 4 January 2016 showing partial decodes.

The example shown above is actually from a fairly long and successful period of reception on  4m - a band where results are better than on 2m. It looked like EA2BCJ was calling me, and this eventually proved to be the case. Maybe he was calling GM4F6M, which was also a possibility. Despite all the favourable factors, no single ping contained both correct callsigns together. In many cases there were screens full of garbage from which amateurs of the time would piece together the evidence they thought constituted a contact. Bill Somerville, G4WJS, is quoted in the K5ND piece in the link above commenting on those operators "who prefer to pick out a few relevant characters from a jumbled stream of uncorrected errors and decide that a QSO has been completed." Of course they can do that, but I do not want to.

Sadly Bill is now silent key and we miss his wisdom.

My simple decision was to use only MSK144 on meteor scatter. I think that I am free to decide that. Others seem happy to only use CW on Top Band, some only use 20 metres to have chats around Europe, still others just solder together circuits they never use. Fine business old men. You have that choice. I am not wasting my time doing what I want to do just because you do something else. I might say here that Q65 is going begging, but I don't tell people that they are wasting their time doing anything else. It is up to them.

We all think that our own set-up is the best. The only better one is the one we plan to buy when we can afford it. Most of us think that everybody else is barking up the wrong tree. Fine, but please don't preach to me.

I did not have the heart to tell this guy on KST that I already have MSHV installed here. I could run JTMS if I wanted to. I choose not to. As I said, mode is my choice, just as much as it is his. I could run some other meteor scatter mode, but give me proper error correction and lots of sensitivity every time.

Here is some advice from someone with years of experience - do not accept advice from people with years of experience. By all means listen to them, but form your own ideas yourself and go your own way.

Even if you go the wrong way, it is still your way. And, you can always learn some more and change later.

Finally, an 11 minute QSO from the good old days before strong error correction. Is this complete?

70MHz FSK441 contact between GM4FVM and SQ85PZK on 6 April 2015

Who decided that GM5JVM was wrongly decoded but GM4FVM was correctly decoded? Is this my QSO at all? I would rather leave decisions like that to the algorithms in WSJT-X.



Monday 25 March 2024

Q65 on aurora, plus the arrival of the Es season.

Not long after Jeremy, M0XVF posted here that he had used Q65 effectively on aurora than up popped another aurora.

Stereo Ahead spacecraft image of CME on 23 March 2024.

A coronal mass ejection early on 23 March reached Earth later on 24 March. Although the speed of the arrival suggested a strong effect, the field quickly turned northwards and had smaller radio outcome than had been predicted.

At GM4FVM this was an early opportunity to see how Q65 might work on 50MHz during an aurora. At first I could hear OH6KTL and then even stronger DK8NE. This was once I had worked out that people were using Q65-30C submode. I worked G3YDY on 50.305, but OH6KTL was on 50.265. I decided to look for a clear frequency to call CQ, and I found 50.268. Eventually five other stations arrived on 50.268.

This map shows the QSOs I had on 6m Q65. All of them were auroral with no tone.

Contacts on 50MHz Q65 at GM4FVM, 24 March 2025.
I saw on KST someone calling those people anticipating a huge event "aurora maniacs". In the event the predictions of the "aurora maniacs" proved to be too optimistic. Auroras are notoriously hard to predict. Even if the identification of the material streaming from the Sun prove to be right, the polarity can swing to the north as it did during this event. Still, it quickly changed from being a widespread event into being a "Scottish aurora". More limited, but fine in my book.
The term "Scottish aurora" comes from the excellent book "Radio Auroras" by Charlie Newton G2FKZ. The type of thing he describes means a limited aurora opening with contacts possible with at least one station being in Scotland. Of course, radio does not observe boundaries and stations in the North of England and Ireland at one end are also often involved. However, Charlie's the term has stuck.

I might have hoped for more, but a Scottish aurora will do for me. Six contacts with the best DX being EI2IP at 579km. Another EI station was worked by several other stations but I could not hear it at all - which just shows how localised auroral propagation can be. I heard nothing on any mode on 70 or 144MHz.
Anyway, whatever you call it, this was an interesting event for me. I had also thought it might have been a bigger event than it was. However it still allowed me to prove to myself that Q65 could be a big help to me. I have always struggled to hear either SSB or CW during auroras. I am not sure why that should be, but being able to use a data mode would be a great advantage to me.

When I found that people were using 30C submode I followed suit. I guess that somebody knows that the other submodes do not work so well. It is a pity that we cannot use either B or A submode as those would allow us to fit several QSOs into one 3kHz filter's width. I am not complaining - if we can organise ourselves around a central point (I guess 50.275) then that would be fine.

Will Q65 work under more difficult conditions with more distortion? Will it work on 144MHz, or even the highly distorted events on 432MHz? Who knows, but let us find out.

Next, my first contact of the Es season also seems to have happened on 24 March 2024.
Contact via Sporadic E at GM4FVM, 24 March 2024

24 March is actually quite late this year. I have been looking into the length of the Es season from this location and I may write more about this on this blog. But anyway, it usually starts with a single QSO like this. Often there are a few short openings until around the end of April it really gets going. We shall see if this year is an average year.

So many of my contacts on 50, 70 and 144MHz depend on Es propagation. This is not only Es directly, but also through linking to TEP and the like. It is always good to get the first contact out of the way. That map my not look like a big deal, but 1620km to OH7XM on FT8 was a really good QSO for me.
Each one of the contacts mentioned on this page was much appreciated by me. It may not be 14MHz where you turn on at any time and work somebody. There are the days when nothing happens at GM4FVM. Yesterday lots of things happened. Keep up the good work lads!


Tuesday 19 March 2024

Why all the fuss about Q65 on VHF and above?

First, there is no fuss about Q65. There should be.

Time for a question and answer session.

What is Q65? It is a data protocol in the WSJT-X suit, amongst others like FT8, MSK144 and JT65.

What does it do best? It allows radio amateurs to communicate in difficult situations by exploiting scatter and coping well with Doppler effects.

What is it designed for? According to the WSJ-X users guide "Q65 is designed for fast-fading signals: tropospheric scatter, rain scatter, ionospheric scatter, trans-equatorial propagation (TEP), EME, and the like."

Which bands is it best for? According to the WSJT-X website -  "it is highly recommended for EME, ionospheric scatter, and other weak signal work on VHF, UHF, and microwave bands." I find that it can be helpful by bringing iono-scatter into play for 50 and 70MHz, using aircraft scatter on 144 and 432MHz, and various assistive scatter modes on 1296MHz (and probably higher).

Are amateurs using it? In general, no. The EME community are using it above 432MHz, but most EME on 2m is still using the outdated JT65. For other purposes such as scatter or other weak signal work you hardly ever hear it.

Have you seen the benefits? Yes. Switching to Q65 on 1296MHz during a tropo contact brings a huge benefit. However, this works for me simply because stations on 1296 are often in contact via email or KST. This allows me to ask to switch mode. On tropo on other bands I am not in contact with other stations so much.

How does it work? The WSJT-X model allows you to choose the most suitable submode for data rate and period length. So if you use Q65 submode B with a 30 second period you would call that Q65-30B.

How difficult is it to use? On WSJT-X you simply click the button Q65. Then you select the period and the submode. It does not seem to difficult to me.

Which submode should you use? That is up to you and you QSO partner. Perhaps 30A for 50MHz where you have time to exploit iono- or tropo-scatter, perhaps 15B for higher bands where you want to capitalise on short aircraft scatter events. I used 30C to complete a QSO with DJ8MS on 1296MHz on 12 January 2024. That was after trying FT8 and failing so we went for the most sensitive combination we could.

Anything else to look for? Just like other scatter modes, it is as well to turn up FTol. The default is 20. You can turn it up to as much as your computer can take - max is 1000. Once you have made contact with the other station you can turn it down again if you wish to narrow the receiver pass band. 20 is fine if you are on exactly the same frequency, but on the higher bands this is not always the case.

What is the problem with using it? I dunno.

Why are people sticking to FT8 and JT65 on VHF? I dunno that either. 

Can you show a QSO where Q65 worked? Yes, for example this 432MHz QSO between GM4FVM and G0MJI. A 265km path over the Pennines which would not have been possible without some assistance from aircraft scatter. If you look at the traces you can see steep Doppler inclination. This contact simply would not have been possible using FT8 due to Doppler shift which disrupts FT8. It was easy on Q65-15B. From what I recall, Bri was running 35W.

Q65 QSO between GM4FVM and G0MJI on 29 January 2024

Q65 is a powerful aid for VHF, UHF and microwave amateurs. VHF QSOs are being missed needlessly. We are not learning how scatter modes can help us. We are not dealing effectively with fading. This is us scoring an own goal.

I have remarked before about a long lived trend in amateur radio to stick with the old ways. If that worked we would still be using spark to transmit plus cats whiskers and coherers to receive. If progress is to mean anything we need to be ready to try new ideas.

Q65 has been around for some years now. Joe Taylor and his band of helpers have created something very useful in Q65. And yet many VHF DX-ers hardly use it.

Anyone who wants to try Q65 on a marginal path between 50MHz and 1296MHz can feel free to contact me.



Monday 4 March 2024

Scientific explanations for how Sporadic E happens, and how amateur literature differs (long).

I have not been posting much lately. [What have you been doing Jim?] Well, at this time of year there is not much on the radio so I have been watching Ski Sunday. Isn't  Clément Noël amazing? Why is the Ski Sunday season so much shorter than the ski season?

And now Paris-Nice and the start of the cycling season. Very distracting. Remco Evenepoel, Cian Uijtdebroeks, and all those people.

I just wrote a VERY long piece quoting all the research papers about Sporadic E which I have also been reading. I have been reading research papers because most amateur books and websites say things about Es which are either just plain wrong or full of imaginings about thunderstorms, jet streams, upwards pointing plasma bursts and other fanciful tales.

Mike GM3PPE sent me a good scientific paper and then I turned up another one which together seem to explain the process. Further reading amongst amateur tales made me turn up a third one. So now, rather than using all that material in detail, I will try to set out what I understand. What I understood before was wrong. I can see that now.

I learn that the ionised layer does appear to come from material ionised during entry into the Earth's atmosphere. The E-layer ions last for a remarkably long time before recombining, thanks to being organised by the magnetic field and due their mass being greater than gaseous ions in other layers. The daily pattern of daytime Es during the Summer is driven by solar influenced wind shear. The Es layers descend towards the Earth on a twice-daily air current. There is a wealth of new information in these papers, plus some useful maps.

Here is one of my diagrams. It is an attempt to precis what comes later in the boring text.

Probable Sporadic Es process. Definitely not to scale. (GM4FVM after Arras)

This is a diagram you will need to click on to enlarge, if you want to see the detail. It covers a slice across the ionosphere between about 150km and 80km above ground. The magnetic field would run vertically into the page from above.

What follows replaces the VERY LONG piece with a LONG piece. Sorry, but it isn't easy to summarise.

I will put in the details of the papers at the end. Anything I have taken up wrongly in this piece is my fault.

For this purpose I will try to explain a timeline through the process.

Firstly the iron which will make up the metallic component of the E-layer arrives in the Earth's atmosphere. This is material from meteorites and similar bodies. Most comes from other parts of our solar system but a small amount may come from cosmic dust.

We amateurs are familiar with some of this stuff through meteor scatter propagation. However, many amateurs concentrate their activity on certain meteor showers during the year. These showers allow 5 or 6 days activity per annum. This tends to deflect attention from the fact that the majority of this material arrives at all other times, 365 days per year, 24 hours per day. These are the "random" meteors which hardly souls like GM4FVM and OZ1JXY used to make over 130 contacts entirely outside the meteor shower season.

There have been suggestions that if meteors are involved then the Es season should be influenced by the meteor shower timetable. This only affects Es to a limited extent. The showers produce only a short lived peak in the material arriving and anyway the peak period for arrival of meteors does not coincide with the shower season. Meteor showers are just the short but energetic ones we see and the vast majority are much smaller. In fact these small meteors, called micrometeors, are about the size of a grain of sand. 

Estimates vary but but overall about 25 million objects arrive on Earth each year weighing in total about 15,000,000 kg. The larger of these break up in to small grains. Amounts vary during the year, with a minimum in February and a maximum during Autumn. The amount and energy levels of the arriving particles varies during the day due to the orientation of the observer to the plane of the ecliptic as the Earth circles around the Sun. Amateurs can exploit these variations in meteor scatter propagation but none of it aligns with Es peaks.

These meteors arrive travelling at huge speeds relative to Earth. As they get closer the atmosphere becomes dense enough for friction and chemical action cause them to be heated to huge temperatures. Some are ionised. The ones we are interested in are made up of, or contain, metallic elements - principally iron. In addition to iron, some meteors contain smaller amounts of magnesium, sodium and calcium which also may become ionised. The density of the atmosphere is about right at around 100 to 150km above the Earth for meteors to be heated to the required temperatures. This region thus become a relatively dense layer of ions and we call it the E-layer.

We now have the iron ions (Fe+) and electrons in the right area. What you would expect from something as heavy as a metal is that it would fall to Earth. Even these tiny specks of matter will descend under gravity, though perhaps slowly as the density of the atmosphere increases. 

You would also expect that they would recombine with electrons to convert from Fe+ to Fe. We are familiar with the gaseous ions in the D- and F-layers recombining once the influence of the Sun is deminished at night or during the winter. However, in the E-layer they remain as ions and electrons for long periods. The Earth's magnetic field will exert an influence and tend to organise the two sets of + and - charges along the magnetic field lines. The Fe+ ions are a lot heavier than the gaseous plasma ions in the D- and F-layers and are therefore less likely to wizz around and find electrons. The combination of these processes give enough time for this mass of ioinised matter to come under further influences. The papers reckon it takes between 27 hours and 3 days for the Fe+ ions to recombine.

One of the surprising things to me about this is that the papers suggest that this ionisation takes place by the process of micrometeors arriving on Earth and not from the Sun's energy as in the other layers. I say suggest, as they do not mention solar energy at all as part of the ionisation process. I was wedded to the idea that ionisation in all three layers would be caused by the energy from the Sun. This would explain why Es occurs during the day and mostly during the summer. But apparently not. It matters little though, because the Sun still has a major effect as we shall see shortly. I cling to the idea that the Sun may play a part in keeping the energy level high enough for this story to continue.

The ionised material descends in a particular pattern. What is called "diurnal tides" result in a twice a day air current bringing the layer downwards at a specific rate. Amateurs report a twice a day peak in Es, presumably as the layer passes through the right region for propagation. Other patterns are superimposed on this, including daily- and trice-daily tides, so the picture is not simple.

Next thing in the story is "wind shear". As I understand it, wind shear is a type of turbulence created when a mass of air meets a more or less static object. As a callow youth I looked out the window of my lofty office in Dundonald House, a strangely curved multi-story edifice, and saw the snow falling upwards past the window. Everywhere else it did what you would expect, but here right beside the building it rose and swirled in eddys as if trying to polish the window glass. Not that the air is as dense in the E-layer as it was inside or outside the DHSS office in which I toiled.

The theory here is that the wind shear effect, when present, helps to shape and compress the metallic ion layer into a thin (about 1.3km thick) shaped mass of relatively dense molecules, atoms and electrons. Key to all this is that the wind shear effect is driven by the Sun - which makes Es a largely daytime and summer event. Crucial to it all is that at certain regions the mass of ions becomes sandwiched between eastwards (below) and westwards (above) winds. Although similar conditions occur in both hemispheres, the wind directions in the Southern Hemisphere are reversed in relation to the Northern Hemisphere.

So, many variables are coming into this. Although the quantity and mass of meteors is large it will vary to some extent, the ions are descending and will need to pass through the height we need them to be, they need to stay ionised long enough to create the layer, the diurnal tides need to draw them to the right place and the wind shear needs to be in the right aspect (the papers suggest generally eastwards winds in the Northern Hemisphere, and with an upwards component) to create the layer we need, and reversed winds above. It is surprising it happens at all.

None of this explains the effect we amateurs know as "Winter Es". This is not mentioned in any of the papers I have seen. It may be caused by one of the alternative Es mechanism which create other minor effects. Or it could be explained by the "spillover" theory. Possibly it could just be an aspect of the effect, mentioned in the papers, that Es tends to trail the annual seasonal cycle to some degree. Whatever the explanation, I think that it is important to keep in mind that I find Winter Es is responsible for about 1% of my activity and none of my DX whereas regular Es accounts for the other 99% of the activity and all of the interesting contacts.Winter Es is an odd quirk, but also a very small quirk.

How does the research method used differ from the methods we as amateur use?

The method used in the scientific papers was GPS Radio Occultation (GPS RO or just RO). This involves observing scintillations in GPS radio signals passing through the Es cloud. GPS satellites orbit at about 20200km. For this purpose the GPS signals are not received directly on Earth but are detected by low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites which orbit at about 2000km above Earth.

Both transmitting (GPS) and receiving (LEO) satellites are outside the E-layer and are, in effect, watching the E-layer from "above" in relation to ground level. Actually they are on either side of the E-layer. As they travel at different speeds to maintain different orbits there are regular windows of about 5 minutes when the GPS signal can be scanned for the presence of an ionised E-layer between them. Any phase changes or multipath interference can be attributed to the E-layers This is not simple though, as other variables in other layers have to be eliminated from the results. However this appears to have been possible.

By using the RO method the researchers are able to observe the Sporadic E layers themselves. We as radio amateurs are only able to observe the results of Es in our log book. Beyond that we can use sites like DX Maps and PSK Reporter (PSKr) to look for patterns and interesting events.

PSKr works by receiving reports from amateurs over the internet and presenting them as lines on maps and other formats. It therefore shows only contacts made, not paths available. It mainly shows data contacts and rarely records beacon reception. Whilst some amateurs can click the box on their software to pass reports on to PSKr, not all do. Many amateurs use directional antennas which limit the possible paths. The results are therefore partial.

DX Maps and similar sites collect data from the DX Cluster and present it in the form of maps and various tables. This information is limited to anything reported to the Cluster, though it includes more reports of CW and SSB contacts plus selected reception reports. DX Cluster has a very helpful map showing the locator squares in which Es layers must be located plus the MUF at that point. This uses a mid point between the path between the reported two stations. This is useful but it a rough estimate, it is historic and it relies on reports - it does not plot the layers themselves.

I use both PSKr and DX Maps extensively. They help me chase DX, but they do not give any clue as to how the E-layer is made up, nor any predictions about how or when the propagation might appear next.

In my view the methods used by amateurs tends to give a distorted view of Es, as of course we rely on other stations being around to receive our transmissions - and for example there are not many in Africa and vanishingly few in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The Es map in DXMaps then estimates that the refraction happens mid-way between the stations and shows this as one locator square. This is very helpful but not really scientific.

How does the scientific literature differ from what we read in amateur literature?

The scientific view is that the presence of Fe+ ions and wind shear are the crucial factors in forming a dense thin layer which makes Sporadic E propagation possible. Solar driven winds in the E-layer and the effects of the Earth's magnetic field are also crucial.

Reputable amateur publications give details of the scientific data but steer clear of going further.

Other amateurs have often taken the results from DX Maps, PSKr and other sites and laid them onto weather maps. From this they have come up with the idea that somehow weather systems close to ground play a part in Es formation. As there seems to be no direct relationship between our weather and conditions 100km or so up in the atmosphere they often postulate all sorts of mechanisms without any scientific basis. They then publish this on the Internet as is their right, just as I am doing now. Sometimes their ideas appear in books, society publications and magazines.

The amateur approach creates huge variables because of the indirect and variable nature of the data collection. This is in addition to their often cranky ideas about the influence of Earth weather on the upper atmosphere.

Many amateurs have looked for "triggers" for Es. Unlike the scientists they cannot see the E-layer except where it creates reported propagation for amateurs. I doubt very much if there is a "trigger" involved. The ham literature I have read says that the authors are looking for something they think needs to cause the ionisation in some direction or at a certain time. The scientific papers say that tons of ionised particles arrive every day without any other input and variables in the ionsphere explain the variability. If ionisation is already present, why look for a trigger?

One particular internet piece written by an amateur seems to go right off the path beaten by the scientists. He claims that tools like DX Maps and PSKr give amateurs a reliable way of spotting and tracking Es formation. In my view they only provide a method of tracking the contacts. He reckons that storms and lightning from Earth weather trigger Es. Having looked at the scientific evidence I feel that he is mistaken. All that DX Maps and PSK reporter do is to record some of the outcome of Es filtered through a skewed fabric of random influences.

PSKr often shows just single receptions due to transient effects which are not Es related. DX Maps also shows contacts after they have happened, and only the ones reported to the DX cluster. They cannot show paths which are not reported for all sorts of reasons. They never show potential paths which have not been exploited nor ones that don't exist. Only scientific approaches which, like the ones summarised here, can actually image the existence or not of Sporadic E layers and their location. This is the best way to try to find an explanation for what is happening. This research can show the process involved in creating the propagation in real time as scanned by the satellites.

When well meaning amateurs take charts from PSK Reporter or DX Maps and use them to try to plot Es activity it is almost inevitable that they are using unreliable data. When they go further and try to align this with weather, storm or lightning maps, they are likely to find doubtful patterns. If they go further again and try to predict future Es based on already unreliable information then the outcome is likely to be pretty wide of the mark.


Right. Where have we got after all this waffle? There is plenty of scientific evidence as to what causes Es. We as amateurs can use the excellent tools available to us (including PSKr and DXMaps) to exploit this and have lots of interesting fun. By understanding the process by which Es is formed we can develop our learning. As for trying to out-think the professionals - you can try but you might be wasting your time. 

A basic human freedom is that everybody is authorised to waste their time as they think fit. Even me.


These are the working links as I write this. Contact me if they do not work and I will try to help if I can.

1) A Global Survey of Sporadic E Layers based on GPS Radio Occultations by CHAMP, GRACE
and FORMOSAT–3 / COSMIC. Christina Arras. 2010 GroForschungsZentrum Helmholtz-Zentrum Postdam. Scientific Technical Report STR10/09

You can download the entire paper by clicking "full text".

This is a very full (~100 pages) paper, one of the first using the RO method. There is some very good information on how RO works.

2) Examining the Wind Shear Theory of Sporadic E With ICON/MIGHTI Winds and COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation Data. Y. Yamazaki. 2011 Geophysical Research Letters Vol 49 Issue 1.

 As the wind shear theory was not well proven at this stage this paper concentrated on that matter. These are some interesting maps and diagrams.

3) Morphology of sporadic E layer retrieved from COSMIC GPS radio occultation measurements: Wind
shear theory examination. Y H Chu et al. 2014 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. Research Article 10.1001/2013JA019437. › c9a0 › 3c2ab977b9507b019e661904c5a4ebdf6fa2.pdf

A further verification of the wind shear theory. This paper includes many more E-layer maps and diagrams which will be of interest to the amateur.

Sunday 14 January 2024

At last a decent tropo opening plus 40MHz awakes.

Firstly I should mention that after a long lull during December and early January, some F layer activity has returned to 40MHz. As I start writing this on 13 January I have been receiving ZF1EJ at up to -4dB on the second day of good propagation this year. Let us hope this is a good start to the year, and maybe DX will reach 50MHz too before long.

My last posting was a whinge to complain about pretty flat conditions lasting 69 days. Well, eventually, after 86 days in total a reasonable lift started at last on 10 January.

It had been well signposted in advance. Both of the tropo predictors from Hepburn and F5LEN (see sidebar for links) predicted good conditions for 11 and 12 January 2024.

Hepburn Tropo Index for 18:00 on 11 January 2024

F5LEN Tropo map for 18:00 on 12 January 2024

Click to enlarge images if you need to, as usual. I like F5LEN's view of a misty field to represent high pressure.

Based on the maps I expected things to open mainly towards Sweden and perhaps into the Baltic. It started that way but most of the activity was to the South East.

Anyway, along with my FM warning system bringing in the Norwegian coastguard, I worked OZ1BEF on 2m at 14:24 on the 10th. This was followed by LA6GKA, but after that things generally moved away from that direction.

Over all, between those first QSOs and 10:00 on Saturday 13 January I made 98 contacts on four bands, reaching 38 squares and 11 countries. Best DX was on 2m to Olli DH8BQA thanks to his remote station in JO73, a distance of 1093km.

2 Metres

On 144MHz this was the result:-

144MHz contacts at GM4FVM 10 to 13 January 2024
This was the result of 43 QSOs to 10 countries. During events like this I tend to migrate to higher frequencies and simply keep a watch on 2m for anything interesting. In pure DX terms there was nothing very surprising with most QSOs around 800km. Notably absent were contacts to Central Europe, but I am not complaining. Not much anyway.


Spending my time on 70cm produced a few more contacts there than on 2m.

432MHz contacts at GM4FVM 10 to 13 January 2024
46 contacts to 25 squares in 10 countries with the best DX being to F1RJ in JN18 at 888km. The fact that there were more contacts on 70cm justifies my policy of concentrating on 432Mhz, or at least it does to me. OK the peak DX is not as far, but the average is not very different. 70cm produced a new country for me - Faeroes. I had heard OY9JD on 2m but I did not try a contact, after all I have worked him before and all of Europe wanted to contact him. So when he came up on 70cm I had to try for a new DXCC. Not only was IP62 a new square on 432MHz, but so was IO62 which was gifted to me by Roger, EI8KN. So pretty good on 70cm.


On 23cm things worked out rather well.

1296MHz contacts at GM4FVM 10 to 13 January 2024

Although this does not look very dramatic, it is a good performance for a microwave band. 8 QSOs in 4 countries with 6 squares. However, each QSO took some organising. I logged on to the Microwave KST chatroom. Although I rarely ever use the other rooms, the microwave one works quite well. There is time to set up a QSO and work your way through it with your companion amateur. 

I had worked Roger, EI8KN on 70cm and asked him to join me on 23cm. This was something we had discussed at the GMDX Convention in Stirling last year. I had explained to Roger that I had not yet worked EI on 1296 and he offered to help. At first we tried aircraft scatter but that failed. At a distance of 527km that should be possible but the window into which the aircraft have to fly is very narrow at that range. In the end we had to give up and this was the next attempt 3 months later. And it worked this time, so thanks to Roger for QSYing and waiting for me.

One 23cm contact stood out as odd, simply because it was "normal", or perhaps "random".  I sometimes call CQ at various beam headings, though this almost never works on 1296MHz. Still, you never know. Three minutes after I stopped calling, up popped DK1VC in JO31 also calling CQ. I decoded him at -03db and he gave me +01dB. What a splendid thing to stumble across a QSO on 23cm. It does happen, but not often at 811km. I was still hearing him 40 minutes later, but he only seemed to work one more station.

My other 23cm contacts were more normal, having been arranged via KST. I had tried to work Walter, DK3RV, on previous occasions but kept failing to make a QSO at 771km. This time I could see a faint trace on the FT8 waterfall. Often during a tropo opening the QSB can be very severe, so we kept at it and eventually after about 5 minutes I decoded Walter's CQ at -18dB. He responded next period with -19, then my RRR took another five and a half minutes to get confirmed, but the QSO was then complete and I sent 73. JO31 would have been a new square for me had DK1VC not provided it for me the previous day.

After my contact with Walter, it was the turn of Maurice F6DKW in JN18 to suggest a contact. Maurice suggested CW, and he agreed to try even after I told him that my CW is dire in the extreme. He was wise enough to QRS and once I had got the beam pointing the right was the contact was easy, 559 copy at  840km.

Later, after completing with EI8KN, David G4YTL from IO92 asked me for a QSO. M0CTP joined in and we completed using Q65 as FT8 was not up to the job. M0CTP and I were able to complete via aircraft scatter. Currently I cannot get planes to display on Airscout, which makes it pretty useless. Gary confirmed that it is the same with him, which was helpful information. I can stop trying to find a solution in the settings here. There may be some other problem with Airscout.   

It was a similar thing with DJ8MS at 903km in JO54. I posted that I was about to go QRT and anybody who wanted to try for a contact should reply. Tor let me know he would like to try and after struggling with FT8 once again we switched to Q65 to complete the QSO. I had also tried to work Tor using FT8 on previous occasions. Once we were on Q65 the QSO was easy.

So what are the learning points from all this for 23cm operation? 1) KST is not always essential but it certainly helps. 2) FT8 is not great on this band, but CW and Q65 can get you out of a hole. 3) It is worth asking people to QSY from another band. 4) CW has a place on microwaves, even if it is slow.


Tropo also helps on 70MHz. I was pleased to work Henning OZ1JXY with good signal reports. This is a series of QSOs which goes back a long way with well over 100 contacts via a variety of propagation methods.


After the end of my activity on 11 and 12 January I expected it all to be over but there was one more DX contact to be made. On 13 January at 09:30 I worked F5RZC in JO10 on 144MHz, a handy enough contact at 642km. After that the DX faded and the stations in IO82 and so forth reappeared after two days absence. It is funny how during a tropo lift you lose the nearer stations as well as hearing the distant ones. At the end I could also hear stations in IO90 etc who would have been nice for me to work, but they were all beaming south to work into F and EA. And that was the end of that.

If we neglect the one-off contact on 13 January, all the activity was between 14:24 on the 10th and 19:35 on the 12th. I only worked seven stations on the 10th, and at that stage it was looking very much like the Scandinavian opening which the maps had predicted. There were no distant DX stations (though I heard an HB9 a couple of times), none of the OE, OK, or EA stations I have worked during previous events. I am happy enough though. Once I could switch between 2m and 23cm using my IC-9700, working one and listening on the other, and at the same time use my IC-7100 for 70cm, there were stations on all bands and I was a happy camper.

I called CQ a lot of 23cm SSB, but almost all contacts were on FT8, with three on Q65 and one on CW.

You do not appreciate the good times without living through the bad times, as I often say.

2m now = 45 DXCC and 247 squares

70cm now = 20 DXCC and 99 squares

23cm now = 11 DXCC and 32 squares

I enjoyed those good times.

Thanks everybody for making the contacts with me.

Let the good times roll.

73 Jim